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Post-Apocalyptic action from
Marcus Richardson, DJ Cooper, and N.A. Broadley

The Shadow Wars

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A powerful new Post-Apocalyptic series. Too real, yet too unbelievable.

It's just another ordinary day.


The whole city, perhaps even the world has gone crazy. An unlikely group of survivors; forced to work together, defend, and run, or risk losing their humanity.

A gripping apocalyptic survival thriller where nothing is what it seems.
No one knows anything about what has happened.


The infected will kill you!

The Shadow Wars Universe was created for both Readers and Authors. A Shared Universe, this project took more than a year of hard work and dedication from its founding authors to create a world that we all could play in. Could you write in a shared universe? Explore the possiblities!

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Book Two in the powerful new Post-Apocalyptic series. If you thought the first one was intense, hold on— this ride is about to go into high gear!

Kane and the others thought they got away.


What about Tommy and Kyle? Follow our new friends out of the smoke and into the fire when they find a new ally and must reach them to discover the secrets of this virus.

A gripping apocalyptic survival thriller with a mystery and far more evil than they could have imagined.

No one knows anything about what has happened.


Someone doesn't want them to find out!

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Book Three the final chapter in the powerful new Post-Apocalyptic series. If you thought the first two were intense, hold on— this ride is about to go off the charts!


With Kane hurt [or is he?], and the boys captured, can Marty and the others get to them in time?


What about Tommy and Micah? What happened with them? Are they the Badasses they aspire to be?

A gripping apocalyptic survival thriller with a mystery and far more evil than they could have imagined.

No one knows anything about what has happened.


It is worldwide and their small corner has learned a big secret!

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